Preoccupation system originated from Roman law, is one of primitive acquisition mode of ownership. 先占制度起源于罗马法,是所有权的原始取得方式之一。
Concepts of private property derived from Roman law. 私有财产的观念来自罗马法律。
By means of inheriting and transforming personality in Roman law, we can establish a modem civil subject system. 通过承继并改造罗马法人格制度建立现代民事主体制度。
The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一节:论证英美法和罗马法的联系。
Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage. 共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。
Differences between possession in Criminal Law and one in Civil law have existed since the Roman law era. 自罗马法以来,就存在着民法与刑法上占有的区别。
The superficies of Roman law was just embryonic form of modern one. 罗马法的地上权制度仅仅是现代民法地上权制度的一个雏形。
The ancient Roman law is not only the most developed social legal system, but also the historical basis of the modern western law and law. 罗马法既是古代社会最发达的法律体系,也构成了近现代西方法和法学的历史基础。
The group personality view involved in personality theory of Roman law is the origin of modern cooperated systems. 罗马法中的人格学说所内含的团体人格观是现代公司法人制度的本体论渊源;
Roman law, architecture, literature are the glory of the human race. 罗马的法律、建筑、文学是人类光荣。
Roman law continued and where order evolved served as the basis for the development of property rights. 罗马法得到了继承,而且那里的秩序地发展成了产权发展的基础。
Civil liability and debt is subject to Roman law, regardless of the impact and importance to the traditional China and France property rights without due attention to the right person. 民事责任与债务不分是受罗马法的影响和传统民法重视财产权利而不重视人身权有关。
In order to overcome the unfairness which trousseau system possibly caused, and balance benefit between marital litigant and inheritance, the Roman law founded the marriage presentation and the trousseau-assess system. 为克服嫁资制度可能引致的不公平,平衡婚姻当事人之间和遗产继承人之间的利益,罗马法又创建了婚姻赠与和嫁资合算制度。
Comparative Study on Parentage in Roman law and Ancient Chinese Law 罗马法中的亲子关系与古代中国法亲子关系之比较
Riparian rights are derived from the English tradition, which in turn comes from Roman law. 河岸所有权是从英国的传统中引进来的,而英国又是从罗马法中借鉴的。
The system of legal mortgage was originated from Roman law, and separated into three legislation styles namely the german, Japanese and Swiss style based on different social context and knowledge pedigree. 法定抵押权制度源于古罗马法,在近现代民法法典化的过程中,由于社会背景和知识谱系的差异,分化为以德国、本和瑞士为代表的三种立法体例。
Civil law of civil law system adopts and develops the rules of error of the Roman law, but has different models of legislative act in the balance of interests. 大陆法系民法继受并发展了罗马法中的错误规则,但在利益衡量上存在不同的立法模式。
Supervision System of Guardianship in Roman Law And Its Significance 罗马法监护监督制度的理念及其意义
Moreover, it is the Roman law that gestated the concept and thought of freedom of contract. 而且,正是罗马法孕育了契约自由的观念和思想。
The private law tradition beginning with the Roman law entails profound humanism spirit. 自罗马法开始的私法传统中,包含着深厚的人文主义精神。
In the succession of Roman Law, the understanding of it differed from nation to nation. 在罗马法的继受过程中,各国对优先权制度的认识有所不同。
Enlightenment from Strict Liability Regime in Roman Law 罗马法中的严格责任制度及其现代启示
A system of law having its origin in Roman law, as opposed to common law or canon law. 起源于罗马法的法律体系,相对于习惯法或教规而言。
It has no basis at all in Roman law. 它在罗马法中毫无基础。
In a very general sense it is based on Roman law. 从非常笼统的意义上说,它是以罗马法为基础的。
He had been deposed because of his defiance of Roman law. 亚那因为违抗罗马的法律而被罢免;
The honest credit principle calls the good faith principle, origins in the Roman law the good faith contract and the good faith lawsuit. 诚实信用原则又称诚信原则,起源于罗马法中的诚信契约和诚信诉讼。
Reconstruction of China National Assets 'Right Distribution System& From the Perspective of the Possession System of Roman Law 重新构建我国国有资产的权利分配体系&从罗马法的占有制度出发
Security has been an important system of the civil law ever since ancient Roman law. 担保是罗马法以来民法的一项重要制度。